Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Hello Canada,
It's a day of rest or recovery for those not feeling well. Last evening found two groups heading in different directions for dinner. One group off for Italian and the other for Buffet "I have no clue what these dishes are, but I'm hungry NOW" at "City of Dreams".
The girls had two practices yesterday one at 10 am and the other at 4pm. AM practice had the girls doing their warm up run in a complete tsmunai down pour. However you could hear nothing but Galley Girls screams "Bring it on". The girls have their first race tommorrow starting with the 2k and Julie has captured the finess of the turns already.

Steph has a slight cold and is getting some extra sleep, while the Crocker's head off to Black Sands Beach. Carol greeting the breakfast staff as they came in for their shift and plans for a full day of nothing but rest (She will probably be out and about). Bruce has the coaches meeting while Ann has had the Dr.Gina visit and has some rest ahead of her as well. Suzie's feeling much better today and the lovely shade of green has faded. Emily is probably wondering if she needs to mention again that it is her bithday again tommorow but we'll all remember regardless. As for my mother and I we are blogging in Hong Kong and about to take on Kowloon shopping. There will be no funky lunch today.



  1. Hope you gals get all the rest and chilling out you need! Great to hear you had one rainy practice -- get the rain out of the way now and hopefully it'll be nice & clear on race day(s)!. Big hello Shannon for me. Cheers! Monique

  2. Hello Galley Girls - hope you've all enjoyed your day off! Good luck tomorrow. All my love and positive thoughts going your way. Get a few dry-teeth pictures for me would ya! ;-) Edie

  3. Good luck ladies!!! Hope you all recover well! It's now or never! Go get them!
    Bonne fête Émilie!!! Ti-pou va bien!

  4. It is presently 7:50pm here in Canada, Thursday July 29,2010. It is a cooler night. For you girls it is already July 30th and almost 8:00am. The big race is ahead of you and make sure all of you stay present and focus. The goal is not to look at the finish line, it is to stay present and focus at the present moment. Do your best every second of the race that will bring you success.
    Good luck Girls! Go Galley Girls Go!

    Thank you Kiera to keep us inform.

    Andree :)
